Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Giving up your first born's name for the sake of some advertising and possible sales?


I'm not a parent yet, so who am I to talk? Maybe one day I'll tatoo my child's head with my CT name? Or is it not so bizarre to let perfect strangers on a message board name your baby these days? (I know it is just the middle name, but still people!)


Anonymous said...

I saw that! Poor baby.

Anonymous said...

that's funny!

Anonymous said...

I think all the suggestions so far are awful anyway, there's no flow to the name.

Anonymous said...

I kinda liked the Marie Elise idea, but yeah, naming a kit is one thing, naming your kid so that later on in life you can say 'Oh, by the way Marie, you were named by a bunch of total strangers on a scrapbooking site, so if you don't like it, you can blame them' LOL

Jessica Dixon said...

Well that is me...I made that post and happened to HATE all the names..in case you asses were wondering her name is Kaitlyn Marie....and by the way she is NOT my first born.