Monday, February 25, 2008
Who knew Barbie was a pirate?
I thought she was a doll by mattel. Seriously, I have never heard of this person before. Does it make me a terrible person that I don't even care she was pirating? Let me put it this way. I know that I'm a legitimate customer. So is Suzy and Jill and Mary. But it seems to me like Suzy, Jill, Mary, and I now have to wonder if we are all suspected pirates too because the hunt is on. I feel sorry for the designers, I really do. I think it's terrible that they have to deal with it, but lets face it. No matter what is done, it will continue to happen as long as they are selling digital goods. Same with digital movies, music, and software. Yes, fight it but why spend all your time worrying about it when that is so unproductive? Why not wait until you have irrefutable proof? Why not go after the website(s) that allow the postings of stolen goods? That's what the music industry did. They didn't knitpick behind the scenes. They went straight to the source and they still do. Let's talk about it. What do you think? I am all for outing the known pirates. I just don't want to know unless it is known for sure.
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They can go after Barbie all they want, I don't care. Until yesterday I never heard of her either. I guess her designs really sucked.
What’s up with Liz Pike? Wasn’t she ousted as a pirate?
And that poor Heather in the middle. I feel sorry for her being played by both sides. Now she ruined her business by putting a name to the crap her designer “friends” post anonymously.
I agree with you that going after individuals, checking sales records against gallery layouts is ridiculous. I don't want to know how many hours some of these people spent looking through sales records. Then you have issues like people not signing into stores with their true names or not having galleries with their true names. Are they now going to PM people "please tell me your real name so I can double check our sales against what I see in your layout?" What a freaking riot!
I've never heard of her either. Pirating has been happening all along...why has it become such a hot topic all of a sudden? I don't get it.
I know, what IS up with Liz Pike? Why isn't she banned too? I thought she was outed.
I feel sorry for Heather but I don't understand why she became mixed up in all of this to begin with.
Liz outed herself in the DCR as being inside the pirate place and taking screen shots. The pirates figured out about her and kicked her to the curb. That's when she came up with the 403 error. She posted that in the DCR and there are screen shots floating around to proof this.
Now Heather is a different story. Someone needed a scapegoat and she offered herself. I cannot feel very sorry for her, kinda stupid you know?
I do have to wonder though. Of the four major players in this, Barbie and Liz came out as pirates. Makes me wonder how Heather and Bunny fit in.
I completely agree that designers and store owners are wasting time, creating drama, and causing customers undue stress. As stated many times, this is the WWW and piracy, file sharing is going to happen. They must truly not have much going on in their lives if they can devote so much time to checking records all day long; or perhaps they just have very little in the way of sales?
I also wonder about Heather and Bunny, their explanations are just to pat for my liking. My eyebrow is definitely raised concerning those two. We're to believe that these two are so altruistic and loving that they want to help all the designers? Bunny claims to have had no sleep for 3 days. We're to believe that she ignored her family to help her digi "sisters." And yet, when either was questioned both were very defensive.
And what about Shannon? Are we to believe that a successful business person is going to give someone back door access to their site without making a thorough check? And this check should consist of more than just looking someone up on the internet. Would anyone hire someone based on their resume alone? Do you not check for references? Do you not call people and ask questions? If this is indeed true, then she's truly stupid - not merely "trusting" as she has claimed. No, there is still much that we don't know.
The one thing that is sure, at least to me, is that DST is crumbling and the crew is scrambling. It's obvious that whatever their plans were, they didn't work out as expected.
I do have to wonder though. Of the four major players in this, Barbie and Liz came out as pirates.
Then WHY OH WHY is Liz not banned like the other pirates???
For the same reason Joedee is still around: she knows too much.
There are too many who rather cover those chicks' asses than get outed themselves.
I think the customers are creating just as much drama. Everyone so sure that they are being hunted. Sheesh. I'm not worried, I don't think I'm being hunted, why are you all so paranoid. Gotta make me wonder.
Liz Pike was never outed in anything, who said that? Some rumor monger again. I love how so many of you just jump on the bandwagon and believe what you are told, especially if it's dirty. Shame on the lot of you. Think things through first.
You don't the facts, so you have to make it up or assume things. Like Barbie being a designer, she wasn't.
Bunny and Heather, wow. You think it's suspicious of they don't have answers and you think it's suspicious of they do have answers. A no win situation, wouldn't you say.
I know I'm a lame ass too for posting here, but I have to eat my popcorn with something. Popcorn and drama go together.
You don't the facts, so you have to make it up or assume things. Like Barbie being a designer, she wasn't.
well, when I looked on Barbie's DesignsbyDiva website, she sure had lots of freebies there that she said she had 'designed.' I never did find anything for sale, but she most definitely DID give out 'freebies.'
below is a quote of Barbie's blog:
[I]I hope you enjoy my work as much as I do in creating it! I'll do my best to update often but can't promise that I will because life and other activities in general gets in the way sometimes.[/I]
So you dumb ass designer trying to cover your ass, who's the idiot now and does not have her facts straight? Barbie IS/WAS a designer and admits so herself.
Below is the screen shot of Liz:
Listen up all you kiss ups and wanna be's. Take a good look at Barb and where she's now. This is where you are going to be if you keep defending the scum among you. (of course unless you have more to lose if the scum gets outed.)
I wish people could get their point across without name calling. Until you talk like a grown up instead of a bitter teenager, I can't take you seriously.
Here's more popcorn.
Below is the screen shot of Liz:
What does this prove? Nothing. This is not any kind of evidence at all, but I guess that doesn't matter. Let's go find a tree and some rope and string her up.
And before you think I'm a 'kiss up', I'm not. Liz is seriously peeving me off but that doesn't mean I'm going to believe this rubbish because it suits me.
I'm sorry I will try not to cuss anymore, but seriously, some of these people need to grow up!
Also, I forgot to add in my PP that Heather is guilty by association with Bunny!
No probs, I'd cuss too but it takes too much time to type out.
Bunny annoys me and I have my doubts about her sincerity. Heather, not so much. I really do think she was caught up in the middle.
Heather's sure been quiet today. I bet she's finally realized how dumb it was of her to open her mouth and get involved.
She wasn't even pirated. She had nothing to lose. Now she's lost a lot of people's respect because she allowed herself to become a mouth piece for a vicious designer mob.
Liz just had to scam her way in there somehow so she could cover up her cheating pirate ass. Nobody cares about her designs, even pirates don't want her stuff.
Liz just had to scam her way in there somehow so she could cover up her cheating pirate ass. Nobody cares about her designs, even pirates don't want her stuff.
Bunny doesn't have a sincere bone in her body. Heather seems sincere, but she is so buddy buddy with Bunny it is concerning.
Hey do any of you eat rabbit for Easter dinner?
I hate this guilty by association thinking. It's so stupid.
I hate this guilty by association thinking. It's so stupid.
No one is saying she's guilty, but it doesn't look goood.
Bunny and Heather both are supposedly reformed pirates. They're noth so full of shit. Once a pirate, always a pirate cause you know that being a pirate you get way more free stuff and I know the crap they design, they want the nicer stuff.
How did they get involved? I'll tell you. Barbie knows Bunny & Heather from their pirating days if they really quit. Pirates do run in the same circles. Barbie is also the one who helped them with their web sites too. Don't believe their lies. They all are pirates and crappy designers.
I did not think it was a coincident that exactly those four stand out in the whole dilemma.
And Barbie not sharing my ass. Pirates don’t like leachers. They would have kicked her to the curb a long time ago. Her fugly designs don't do it for the pirates. She had to share some good stuff in order to stay in that group. She was in there to get evidence? LOL best joke I ever heard. Evidence after one year and 6000 downloads? How much evidence do you reckon she needed? Give me a break!
She got so busted and it’s only a matter of time until Liz’s ass gets busted too.
She got so busted and it’s only a matter of time until Liz’s ass gets busted too.
February 26, 2008 6:37 AM
Won't be long before Heather and Bunny gets busted too and these people will get a clue that these sweet ladies aren't so sweet afterall.
I don't give a crap about piracy. I pay for my stash and I scrap it.
Everyone sure is throwing around the YOU ARE A PIRATE mighty fast..
ever stop and think just how perfect YOU are?
hmm lets take a trip back in time.. dodododODODOdodododo
we didn't go back as far as 8 tracks. we stopped at CASSET TAPES!
whoo hooo.. member when a friend got a new tape.. and everyone gooo'd and gaaaa'd?
member when your FAVORITE song came on the radio???
remember when you hit that little button on your cassette player? the one that said RECORD?
Remember when you just loved a certain character and you just HAD to have it on your jeans or t-shirt?
remember finding the perfect coloring page of that character? remember coloring it in and ironing it on your stuff?
remember when those lovely VHS and BETA tapes were all the rage? remember copying your favorite shows off the TV?
remember recording EVERYTHING on those dumb things?
remember when CDs first hit the scene? How cool.. and NEAT looking.. then they decided WE as customers could
copy things on them for ourselves! remember figuring out ways to put videos, movies, music, programs, pictures.. you name it..
on them? remember doing it?
remember when you got your first scanner and you were scanning EVERYTHING!.. remember how cool they were?
remember scanning all your cards and pictures and stickers and stuff?
remember when copy machines hit the stores and we could make COPIES of ANYTHING we wanted.. and some things we didn't wanna see? remember copying school pictures, family portraits, ya know those great K-mart and Wal-mart photo shoots?
remember when you first got into the computer and the internet and emails.. remember getting the coolest looking images and stuff
inside those emails and such? where do you think they came from? the internet fairy? nooooo silly rabbit.. they were SCANNED from real works of art, may it have been a greeting card, paper, pictures, what ever.. it was done BY SOMEONE ELSE!! and magically put onto the computer.. where.. low and behold.. you used such things..
remember when you first got into playing with graphics and such.. remember all those cool sig tags and things you made for you and your friends? oh sure you do!!! remember joining all those groups and getting TUBES, STATS, and TAGS? OH! yeppers.. you sure do remember.. I bet if you look on some of your back up CDs.. you will find them!!
and don't even get me started on all the things you take pictures of that are not yours! Oh my goodness.. all of a sudden.. all I see is 100's of PIRATES that didn't just share some DIGI CRAP.. that costs pennies in comparison to the millions of artwork that is out there on everyone's blogs and blinkies and sig tags and stationary.. made by REAL BONIFIED ARTISTS...(now some of you digi folks consider yourselves bonified too.. but unless you are shown in a gallery and have your own line of things. your just not there yet.. and you know what I mean..
now everyone POINT YOUR FINGER AT THE COMPUTER.... and slowing turn it to you.. OY! you found a pirate too!!!
Besides piracy and theft, there are other types of robbery around.
Here is one that I consider not quite right... runs a quickpage exchange challenge. The participants make two pages each and at the end of the month each participant gets the whole album. For entering the challenge, you have to purchase the Impressions of Romance kit.
Have a look at the fine print paragraph:
"Your page must be created using ONLY items found in the IOR Collab kit. (You may also use Atomic Cupcake actions). By participating, you agree that your page may be included in a QP Album for sale here at SBG, without credit or compensation. Proceeds from the sale of the album will support the operating costs here at SBG.
And have a look at what has popped up in the store:
Volume 1 - 20 QPs for $15
Volume 2 - 22 QPs for $15
Where do the profits from the sales go? One would hope to charity, but they are going to "support the operating costs at SBG".
Does anyone else have a problem with that?
I don't see a problem with that. The customer buys the kit, makes a quick page, and then gets a bunch of other quick pages from other participants for free. The store then puts the collection up for sale. What's the big deal? Am I missing something obvious?
Where do the profits from the sales go? One would hope to charity, but they are going to "support the operating costs at SBG".
Does anyone else have a problem with that?
Yeah, I can see how you have a problem with that. I don't think it is right either. Charity sounds much better to me, but I don't think there are any laws broken here. This is more an ethics issue. Since Maya isn't known to be the Queen of Nice, it does not surprise me that she's rather pocketing the money.
Barbie/Barb/DesignsByDiva aka Snarky's files:
Where do the profits from the sales go? One would hope to charity, but they are going to "support the operating costs at SBG".
Does anyone else have a problem with that?
No, I don't have a problem with that. The kit is made by SBG, the people making the pages use the forums and gallery at SBG free of charge. Sites don't run themselves for free you know. The only other way to have the site supported would to be charge membership.
Now, I'm not a fan of Maya for my own reasons, but I don't see a problem with this project.
The SBG QP Exchange is a fun idea. It's the same concept as any other type of Co-op or Exchange (Like a recipe exchange or a cookie exchange). Each person makes a contribution, and for their time/effort, they receive the whole QP album in return.
It is a fun, novel idea. Besides, it's totally voluntary. People must think it's worth it or they wouldn't participate. I don't see where there's any kind of ethics issue as all the rules and procedures are clearly communicated up front in writing. And - if you notice, the QP album does list the participants in the description so there's a little bit of 'recognition' involved here too. I participated in it and it felt good to be a part of it especially when you see how nice it turned out.
Oh and something else that's neat - the final QPs are already shutterfly ready - so if someone wants to order a shutterfly book, they are all set.
Well, hello Maya.
I don't even know why I'm bothering, but anyway... Do you guys EVER listen to FACTS???
About Liz and her screen-shots - she got screen-shots of the DOWNLOAD PAGES at rapidshare (?) and the DOWNLOAD PAGES showed the users/uploader's NAME. She got screen-shots of some of those pages before the person started deleting their files.
She did NOT have screen-shots from the pirate's forum, except for the ones that Barbie sent to Heather....
About Liz and her screen-shots - she got screen-shots of the DOWNLOAD PAGES at rapidshare (?) and the DOWNLOAD PAGES showed the users/uploader's NAME. She got screen-shots of some of those pages before the person started deleting their files.
Ummmmmmmmm NOPE cause I have RS Premium and it do NOT show my user name on any of my downloads, page nada so nice try on that!
And that is not what her screenshots are of, they are of at a forum/website of some kind showing user screename and what their uploads are. So why don't you try getting the FACTS straight.
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