Monday, August 27, 2007

ooh! ooh! Pretty please leave me some love & hugs & cream and sugar!

Is it just me or do those blog freebies annoy the hell out of you, especially when you know that it is just a ploy to get you to visit their shops and then on top of it, they are begging for comments? Yes, I actually do leave a little thanks for the gift most of the time, but I'll tell you what, nowadays, the freebie quality seems to be going downhill and not only that, the sheer pathetic-y ----PLEASE GIVE ME SOME LOVE! LEAVE ME A COMMENT IF YOU TAKE IT! OOOH OOOH, I AM GOING TO SIT HERE AND REFRESH MY COMMENTS UNTIL I SEE THEM COME ROLLING IN BECAUSE MY SHIT ROCKS!! AND GOSH DARN IT, PEOPLE LOVE ME!--- is really grating on my nerves. I dunno. Perhaps I'm in a crappy mood today but I usually take the freebie and run if they ask for some "love." Sorry sistah, but I don't love you and I may have even thanked you for your generousity, but don't ask me to leave you some love. Only my dog is allowed to do that.

For an example of this, click here, my love.


Anonymous said...

I don't even do freebies anymore.

Anonymous said...

I give samples sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I won't leave comments cause if I download it and use it, put it in galleries that is THANKS enough as I am giving them free advertising. I am not gonna bend over and kiss their ass and gush over them no matter how big or small of a designer is. It looks pretty pathetic to me. I would think if they get over 200 downloads on it that they would be thrilled but nope you see some of them whining on DST about it. I think they just crave attention.

Anonymous said...

I'd never request a thank you (that's kinda like asking your hubby if you're pretty).
But due to the above attitude, I don't give out freebies at all. I RAK good customers with whole kits or coupons for $5 or $10. I'll participate in store collaborations, charity kits- but straight out freebies? No. Too much 'entitlement' attitudes out there and they usually end up on pirate groups anyway in the long run.

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2007 7:33 AM

Why is it we must say thank you, and gush all over you ?
If we download it, use it and put it in galleries, WHY isn't that saying Thank You ?
Or do you NEED that validation, oh gush onme and tell me you love me crap ?
Wouldn't you rather they use it & post it in their galleries OR just say thanks and hoard it ?
If you don't give out any samples or freebies then HOW is a customer suppose to know what the quality of your work is like ? With your attitude, you are ailenating potential customers.
I spend my HARD earned money on this hobby and I expect top quality designs so that is your loss, not mine.
Why are you designers always punishing us GOOD consumers for pirate a$$holes?

Anonymous said...

Did you read my post? I said I don't expect ANY thank yous. But when I read your posts - and those like yours- with the sense of entitlement, I don't feel at all compelled to plump out your stash.
My work stands for itself and sells quite fine, so I am not worried on that count. Customers will find plenty of my work floating around in charity kits, store collaborations, etc.
It's funny, because many things I buy online I buy based on previews- can't get freebies for everything.
I'm glad you choose to spend your money wisely, but the laugh might really be on you as you might just miss out on some great items.
I am doing quite fine with my current designing and marketing methods. I'm not one of the people bitching about their sales.

Anonymous said...

I ask for folks to leave comments if they download a freebie from my blog. I don't sell in a boutique or anything...but I'm considering it. So, I ask for WHY comments, such as "your kits sucks but it's free" or "love the papers"...constructive criticism type of stuff. Is this bloated ego? Should I get over myself? I'm really just trying to figure out what the hell I want to do...'cause the CT thing is just not my cup of tea.

Anonymous said...

August 29, 2007 2:51 PM

Begging or asking for thanks is tacky. I bet you would get more thanks without asking.
some people have manners, others don't.
But if they download it, use it and post in galleries and you see a lot of layouts with it then they are giving you free advertisement but I am sure they would not use it if they hated it so to me that is a great sign there.
I'd be more giddy seeing it being used then seeing the thanks.
If you are looking for CC then ask for CC. I am sure someone will give you CC.

Anonymous said...

I give freebies occasionally on my site, but don't 'ask for comments if you download' or anything like that. You're right, it is tacky and to me it's like a waitress asking if you want your change when you hand them the cash for your dinner. Yes I want my change, and since you asked and assumed that I was going to give you the remainder as a tip, your tip just got cut in half..>LOL>

Anonymous said...

Take a midol people. I agree no one should grovel for a comment, but a thank you for anything someone gives you should be automatic. Or are you people who think waitresses don't deserve a thanks because it is their job and they get paid to serve? A little politeness goes a long way in my opinion.